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BEINCOURT and e1 Form Powerful Hybrid Courtroom Alliance

Innovative virtual courtroom solution provider BEINCOURT and leading courtroom technology integrator e1 Audiovisual Technologies are bringing courtrooms into the hybrid age of justice

PHOENIX, ARIZONA – February 18, 2022 – Leading courtroom solution integrator, e1 Audiovisual Technologies, and BEINCOURT, an innovative virtual courtroom solution provider, announce they are closely collaborating to make seamless hybrid court proceedings a reality.

COVID-19 shuttered courts around the world for months, creating an unprecedented challenge for court officials to manage and untold frustration for citizens hung in the frozen wheels of justice. Scrambling to find a way to operate courts virtually to keep everyone safe, justice officials knitted together a patchwork of solutions utilizing whatever they could find to hold court proceedings. Millions of dollars of funding were spent to procure laptops, webcams, Zoom accounts, and other videoconferencing licenses so that courts could find ways to fulfill their constitutional requirements in the administration of justice. The good news is that the courts met the moment with good old-fashioned creativity. However, operating this way has been anything but seamless. As virtual proceedings have given way to hybrid proceedings where the judge and some participants are in the courtroom while others join the proceeding remotely, courts need a way for the experience of a hybrid hearing to approximate as closely as possible the experience of being in the courtroom. Equally as critical, courts need a fully integrated, easy-to-operate, and seamless way to control every element of a hybrid proceeding.

Enter BEINCOURT, with the only end-to-end platform for enabling an enhanced hybrid courtroom experience and e1 Audiovisual Technologies, the leading courtroom AV integrator in the United States. The "Be1NCOURT" partnership has already integrated their enhanced hybrid courtroom solution into dozens of courtrooms of every flavor. The AV duo leverages e1’s 25 years of experience delivering high-quality audiovisual solutions to thousands of courtrooms with BEINCOURT’s smart Crestron-powered technology along with their innovative microphone/speaker combination that allows for high-quality audio to be delivered to participants regardless of their location.

“Our engineers have been working hard to improve the courts' ability to allow remote participants, including interpreters, for years,” explained BEINCOURT’s President Sean Nelson. “The pandemic created a situation whereby virtual courtroom capabilities suddenly became a must-have. Fortunately, our solution is not a quick fix that has been hastily cobbled together to meet a temporary need of the court. Rather, we provide a thoughtful solution built on years of work that was purpose-built with a dilemma such as the current pandemic in my mind. As a result, we offer a solid solution that's ready to deploy in courts everywhere to enable seamless court operations. Our partnership with e1 and their team of courtroom audiovisual integration experts give court officials the confidence to move forward into the new normal of hybrid operations," said Nelson.

Kurt Maddox, e1’s Vice President, and veteran courtroom technology executive had high praise for BEINCOURT’s innovative and timely solution.

“We are lucky that Rick Kennemar from our team and the folks at BEINCOURT partnered on a successful bid response just as the pandemic hit,” said Maddox. “It was a ton of work that has proven to be a perfect marriage of solution provider and integrator.”

e1 President Chad Rowley added, “Because the BEINCOURT solution is built around best-of-breed audiovisual equipment from leading manufacturers such as Crestron and Biamp, e1’s expertise in integrating these proven hardware solutions in a courtroom environment makes us uniquely valuable as a collaboration and implementation partner to court officials looking for the right hybrid courtroom solution to meet their unique requirements.”

BEINCOURT and e1 will be offering live demonstrations and information to court officials at next week’s National Association of Court Management (NACM) Mid-Year Conference in Bellevue, Washington. Stop by Booth #303 to learn more or contact either company via email by sending a message to


ExhibitOne Corporation dba e1 Audiovisual Technologies is a leading audiovisual integrator headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. With a 25-year track recording helping clients succeed with their audio and video solutions, e1 does work for all types of clients throughout the United States.

BEINCOURT offers the only end-to-end platform that simplifies the virtual court processes by improving collaboration, increasing the pace of hearings, and controlling costs.

Kurt Maddox

Vice President



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