What does an audiovisual integrator actually do?
Great question! In general, we help organizations design, implement, and support audio and video solutions within and outside of their facilities. An integrator does not manufacture anything. We are experts who help enterprises create solutions involving elements of audio and/or visual technology that enable them to do their jobs better or to effectively communicate their value to a chosen audience. Sometimes, however, we are just the folks who install your AV equipment and hang the displays in your offices and conference rooms. And that is just fine with us when that is all you need us to do.
Good integrators, like a good anything, are integrators who know what they are doing and can prove it with references and reputation to back up their sales pitch to clients. Fortunately for organizations in need of a solid audiovisual integrator, you have several in any large market who can help you design, implement, and support your audio and video needs. The big players such as Conference Technologies, AVI-SPL, Diversified, and AVI Systems all do good work and have the advantage of their buying power with leading AV equipment manufacturers such as Crestron, Biamp, Extron, and QSC and with display manufacturers like LG, Samsung, and Sony. These $100M to $1B annual revenue behemoths require lots of very big deals spread across lots of very big markets in order to meet the financial expectations of their private or public owners. This requires a steady stream of relatively low-paid AV installers to feed the machine. As hard as these massive AV companies with dozens of offices spread across the country try to retain their best technicians, the economics of their business models dictate a high rate of churn as technicians prove themselves and move on for greener pastures. Smaller integrators like e1 may not enjoy the same buying power yet we can often make up for that with a lower total cost and almost always can provide a more personal and more flexible client experience starting with the initial consultation and carrying through to post-installation maintenance and support. The biggest AV integrators have been bought, sold, merged, and repackaged to private capital over the course of the past decade. Meanwhile, client-focused firms like e1 continue under the exact same stable ownership they have enjoyed since their founding.
All that said, what truly differentiates one integrator from another boils down to very simple elements that all of us appreciate -- enthusiasm, care, and competence. You can find this inside of large, medium, and small AV companies just like you can find malaise, callousness, and incompetence. You will want to look very closely at both the company you hire to help you with your AV as well as the actual team within the company who will be performing the work on the ground inside of your facility.
e1 brings 25 years of experience from several thousand successful projects across the USA in the most exacting environments. We are enthusiastic about our work, committed to our client's success, and deeply experienced in all facets of designing and delivering exact solutions to our client partners. We invite you to reach out to us today to talk about your next project.
We are e1.
We are eager to AV!